AI Prompting are you ready?
This course will give you the confidence to start using ChatGPT and other AI tools in your daily life. It will cover all the skills and competencies you will need to get the results you want to achieve.
Welcome to our first workshop series
Go do Introduction to ChatGPT module then come back later if you'd like to hear some discussions about it
What is WePrompt and who are Lyndsey, Jaime & Amy
What's going on behind the scenes at WePrompt.
Workshop video - Group discussion - Tuesday June 27th
Workshop Chat Log from Tuesday June 27th
Workshop video - Group discussion - Tuesday July 4th
What ways do you like to communicate, help out, volunteer and learn? July 4th
A look at Thinkific
Recap of Weeks 1 and 2
Discussion: Using AI in Education in Victoria Australia in July 2023
Discussion: Will there be some changes in Education?
Discussion: Rubrics and Learning Outcomes
Lyndsey on teachers using ChatGPT correctly
What is ChatGPT
What is prompting?
Why learn prompting?
What makes a good prompt?
How to get ChatGPT
What to do first with ChatGPT
Limitations of ChatGPT
Why we recommend using the term LLM instead of AI
How is ChatGPT different from google?
ChatGPT and it's biases
There is data missing in ChatGPT, it didn't add more recent data than 2021 in yet.
Where are you at right now with ChatGPT?
Set a few goals for what you'd like to try next with ChatGPT - Homework
Localised data can be missing, entire sets of peoples opinions are missing
What will we be talking about next week?
Chapter Talking points
How does ChatGPT find it's training material
Recorded Discussion: Should we be careful what information we give to ChatGPT?
How does ChatGPT store it's data
GPT Integration Discussion - Does the context that GPT is being used in matter - e.g. if it's writing an email for you
How does ChatGPT pull data out from what is stored?
Recorded discussion: Digital Rights Policy - Should people have to declare they have used AI?
How does ChatGPT decide what to answer to a prompt
Find out more
Input needed - What are the Prompting skills and competencies that everyone needs? - Tuesday July 4th
Group Recording: Making a check list and then into a table with Chat GPT and showing how to adjust prompts
Group Recording - Suggest a name for ..... - ChatGPT Prompting
Using ChatGPT to find plausible but incorrect suggestions for multiple choice questions.
Get ChatGPT to hold off answering a prompt until it has asked and gotten answers to some questions for more context
Give ChatGPT some outcomes and some information and have it write a introduction text then paragraph then as markdown then a list.
Working with Youtube transcripts
Use ChatGPT to write prompts for other AIs
Asking Chat GPT for advice, to tell a joke, to be sarcastic, to write a poem
Dungeons and Dragons with ChatGPT
Letting ChatGPT know my values before asking it to create me a custom travel plan
Tweaking & RePrompting to get what you want to be more specific
Go try these ideas and let us know if you have more PLUS what is on next - Prompting for teachers.
Anti-Hype LLM reading list (20 minute read)
AI browser based dev env